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Aug 31, 2015

Just as ancient hunter-gatherers would migrate in search of sustenance, real estate investors today might be well-served to migrate into new markets and product types to find yields.

In this first episode in our series on finding yield, we go WAY outside of box of little green houses and red hotels. 

We talk to a lawyer...

Aug 24, 2015

Safety, privacy and yield are growing concerns for anyone with growing amounts of cash.

As your real estate portfolio grows, so do your deposits, maintenance reserves and float. And if you're waiting for that next great opportunity, you may have a chunk of cash on hand for that too!

But in a world of insolvent banks,...

Aug 16, 2015

Residential rents have been on the rise lately.  Will the trend continue or are there clues in the news which suggest a squeeze is coming?

In the episode, Robert and Russ break down the mainstream headlines which affect real estate investors.

Healthcare spending on the rise...up to 20% of all U.S. spending by...

Aug 10, 2015

Robert and Russ dig deep into the email grab bag and pull out a handful of great listener questions for this edition of Ask The Guys.

Do high cap rates in a low cap rate market mean more risk?  Maybe.

What do you do when a tenant breaks their lease?  Ouch.

How to get a 401k into play without triggering taxes?

A field...

Aug 3, 2015

At Freedom Fest 2015, your intrepid hosts found an ecclectic collection of very interesting people and how they approach real estate investing.

Lily Williams arrived in the US from China with $100 and a dream to be free.  Today she owns multiple properties and is a full time real estate investor.

Craig Colley is an...