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Dec 27, 2010

Donald Trump may be the most famous “real estate guy” who made it big, lost it all, then made it all back bigger and better than before.  What took him down?  In his book, The Art of the Comeback, the Donald points to two things: complacency and the Tax Reform Act of 1986.  We could do a whole show the importance of...

Dec 21, 2010

Get the most out of your properties by preparing for a successful 2011.  Now is the time to look back on last year and glean lessons for a happy New Year! Running a real estate empire means effectively managing debt, equity and cash flow - and it requires being organized as all the year end paperwork arrives.  In this...

Dec 13, 2010

Money, jobs and people are moving around the world like never before.  And while fewer people may feel rich coming out of this recession, there are other good reasons many are still looking at international real estate - both as an investment strategy and a safe haven hedge against inflation.  In this episode, we...

Dec 6, 2010

Big money, flexible hours and being your own boss has always attracted people to real estate as a career.  And when the traditional job market is depressed, even more people look at real estate as way to make money.  While most people think of a career in real estate primarily as selling houses to people who’ll live...