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Jan 31, 2022

George Gammon is a successful real estate investor and entrepreneur with a passion for learning and teaching macroeconomics ... 

From the fed and repo markets to inflation and central bank digital currencies … There's a whole lot happening on the macro-level. And it’s all bound to trickle down and affect main street...

Jan 24, 2022

Peak Prosperity founder Dr. Chris Martenson has been on the cutting edge of revealing the fragility of a financial system dependent on perpetual growth while operating in a world of limited resources.

It sounds wonky, but it simply means the world is likely to experience inflation and shortages … kind of like we’re...

Jan 21, 2022

The effects of rapid inflation and supply chain disruptions are becoming more apparent each day here in the US.

Many folks are getting nervous and speculating about what may be coming next.

Of course, none of us can predict or control the future ... But we CAN make changes to become stronger, more resilient, and better...

Jan 10, 2022

As investors, we spend most of our time on the offense ... Looking for great deals, excellent markets, cash flow, equity growth, tax savings ... 

But while those things are essential, to borrow the words of legendary football coach Paul “Bear” Bryant, “Offense wins games … defense wins championships.” And like...

Financial Strategies to Unlock Equity, Lower Taxes and Increase Cash Flow

Jan 3, 2022

Leverage can be a powerful tool in every investor’s toolbox.

But like any tool, it’s most effective when you know how and when to use it. And while it has its advantages, acquiring properties with debt doesn’t come without risk.

In this episode, we discuss tips, methodologies, and considerations for using leverage...