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Sep 25, 2017

The MOST important person to any income property owner is their property manager.

The PM is your face to your tenants, the person responsible for managing revenue and most expenses ... and ultimately delivering hassle-free profits to you.

In this episode we explore what makes a great property manager and visit with the...

Sep 18, 2017

What and where developers can and can't build is often determined by bureaucrats ... ostensibly for the good of the community.

But sometimes there are unintended consequences.

In the interesting episode, we consider the role of zoning and it's effect on supply, demand, pricing, and the path of progress.

Chiming in on...

Sep 11, 2017

In this episode, we discuss the role and opportunities for investors in helping heal damage caused by both physical and financial disasters.

The Real Estate Guys™ radio show provides real estate investing news, education, training and resources to help real estate investors succeed.

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