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Aug 24, 2015

Safety, privacy and yield are growing concerns for anyone with growing amounts of cash.

As your real estate portfolio grows, so do your deposits, maintenance reserves and float. And if you're waiting for that next great opportunity, you may have a chunk of cash on hand for that too!

But in a world of insolvent banks, debt-ridden governments, financial predators, high tech snooping and identity theft, and painfully low yields...what's an investor to do?

Wouldn't it be great to buy insurance against all these risks...and get paid to own it?

You can.

So listen in to this episode as we visit with special guest Patrick Donohoe to discuss an amazing concept called Private Banking.

The Real Estate Guys™ radio show provides real estate investing news, education, training and resources to help real estate investors succeed.  Learn more and subscribe to the free newsletter! Visit