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Jun 26, 2023

You’ve heard the saying “Don’t wait to buy real estate. Buy real estate and wait …”

But if you're a budding investor, it may be daunting to look at today's prices and financing. So how can you get started right now without putting up a lot of your own capital?

In this eye-opening episode, we bring you an...

Jun 19, 2023

Welcome to another exciting episode of "Ask the Guys," where we put the spotlight on YOU!

Tune in to this Q&A extravaganza as we unravel the many mysteries of real estate … And bring you ideas and information to help solve common quandaries investors face.

Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources...

Jun 5, 2023

As we often say, real estate is NOT an asset class.

There are MANY different niches you can invest in to earn big profits ... Single family, resort property, multifamily …

In this inviting episode, we sit down with successful entrepreneur, investor, and author Paul Moore to discuss a lesser-known niche with BIG...