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Sep 30, 2013

Retirement accounts hold trillions of dollars.  Almost all of it is in the hands of Wall Street through stocks, bonds, mutual funds and annuities.  For those who want to move their money closer to Main Street, real estate, precious metals and private placements are an appealing alternative.

In this episode, The Real...

Sep 23, 2013

Like it or not, lawyers and legal bills are a fact of life for real estate investors. 

In this episode, The Real Estate Guys™ discuss some of the kinds of lawyers you’ll need, what you should think about when setting up your legal team, and some practical tips for getting more bang for your buck.

Best of all,...

Sep 16, 2013

Headlines are sending mixed messages about housing, jobs and economic recovery.  It can be SO confusing!

In this episode, The Real Estate Guys™ take a look at some of the recent news and discuss what it means to everyday real estate investors.

Liars, tigers, bears and some bull all help muddy the water.  Asset...

Sep 9, 2013

Another great batch of questions from our amazing listeners.  Lots of fun stuff to talk about.

We can tell people are getting more involved in real estate because questions are going from theoretical to very practical.  People are out in the real world doing the real thing.

So in this episode, the Guys field a variety...

Sep 1, 2013

It’s baaack!

Yes, it’s true.  Equity is back and it’s happening in major metropolitan real estate markets.

Surprised?  You shouldn’t be.  These cycles and their causes are highly predictable.  It’s seldom an issue of IF, but more of WHEN.

And while it’s fun to talk macro-economics in the clouds...